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How safe is your workplace?

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2017 | Blog |

No matter how long you have been working at the same Illinois company, you may be great risk for injury on the job. Some jobs are undoubtedly more dangerous than others; then again, you could trip over a turned-up corner of carpet at the office and wind up flat on your back in a hospital bed. Even if you are not a fire fighter, construction worker or railroad employee, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are not at risk for accidents in the workplace.

To stay as safe as possible, you’ll want to be on the lookout for certain hazards known to place workers of all kinds in harm’s way. It’s also crucial to make sure your employer is doing his or her part to maintain safety in your workplace. After all, employers are obligated to provide proper training and any safety equipment necessary to help workers avoid injury on the job.

If these hazards exist at your place of work, you’re at risk!

It’s not always possible to identify a potential risk for injury because some risks are unseen. If your work includes certain duties, however, or any of the following hazards, you may be at greater risk than others when it comes to on-the-job injuries:

  • If you use a forklift or have to be near one at any time during the normal course of duty at your place of work, you are at great risk for injury. Staff shortages, not enough vehicles to cover a workload and productivity pressures are some of the root causes that often lead to serious forklift accidents on the job.
  • Any time chemicals are used in the workplace, injury risks exist. If someone leaves unused chemicals on a shelf, it can create a serious accident risk over time should the chemicals degrade and become explosive. Not only is stockpiling chemicals highly dangerous to workers, in some situations, it is illegal as well.
  • Working in confined spaces is also extremely dangerous. If your duties require you enter piping systems or closed-in spaces, it’s always best to make sure there is a definite hazard and rescue plan in place.
  • Insufficient housekeeping poses a great danger to you on the job. If you notice clutter in your work area or other signs that proper maintenance is not taking place, it is definitely cause for concern.

Jobs that require working at great heights or using electrical equipment also place you at risk for personal injury on the job. Key factors to staying as safe as possible and accessing help when an accident occurs include proper training and equipment maintenance, as well as knowing where to turn for support if a problem arises.

An experienced Illinois worker’s compensation attorney is typically a great asset to have on hand if you’re injured on the job. It can be quite stressful to navigate the worker’s comp process, and an attorney can provide many services to help make things easier.