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2 initiatives to make Illinois roads safer

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

If you keep up with trending national news stories, then you’re likely aware of the $2 trillion American Jobs Plan that President Joseph Biden announced earlier this spring. If you keep abreast of local Springfield or state news, then you’re also likely aware that Gov. JB Pritzger announced a $20.7 billion infrastructure plan here in Illinois just two weeks ago.

If you’re not up-to-date on these two plans, they both promise to improve our state and country’s quickly deteriorating infrastructure, such as bridges and roadways. The president’s plan also aims to grow the country’s transportation options. Many transportation safety advocates are hopeful that these and other recent initiatives will make our roadways safer for motorists, bicyclists and everyone else who shares the road.

How the American Jobs Plan could make it safer for bicyclists

Bicyclists are hopeful that American Jobs Plan, in conjunction with the 2021 Federal Agenda for Active Transportation, will improve their safety risks.

Lawmakers have committed $20 billion to the Safe Streets for All initiative so far. This program aims to expand vision zero programs in the hope of reducing collision rates and vehicular fatalities. Bike advocates also expect a portion of funding to go toward the integration of specially designated pedestrian and bike lanes. The advocacy group notes that these can greatly reduce accidents.

Transportation officials also expect a portion of the $174 billion in federal funding to increase the number of electric vehicle (EV) chargers to 500,000 across the country. Lawmakers expect this increased accessibility to reduce roadway congestion, making our roads safer for bicyclists.

How Rebuild Illinois funds may make roads safer for motorists

Gov. Pritzger plans to invest the Rebuild Illinois funds to reconstruct at least 2,779 miles of roadways and at least 7.9 million square feet worth of bridge deck by 2027. Other funding will go to revitalize local economies. Current Rebuild Illinois infrastructure improvement projects are taking place along I-80, I-55 and I-57.

What should you do following a car or bike accident with injuries

Many transportation safety advocates are hopeful that the above-referenced road rebuilding projects will reduce crashes. These plans are going to take time to unfold, though. It’s inevitable accidents may occur in the interim.

You should always summon police to the scene of a crash and seek out medical care, even if you don’t think you suffered any injuries. You should ensure that you know of your rights before speaking to any insurer or anyone else regarding your incident so as to not jeopardize your right to compensation.